Friday, April 22, 2016

Assignment-1 (Group assignment)

The entire work done by the effort of 4 students: 

  1. Junaid Siddique -110038323-BSEM
  2. Muslim Zabirov -110038521-BSEM
  3. Surya Ari Arfandi -110046511-BSEM 
  4. zuhaib touseef  - 110038818 - BBIT

Part 1 - Logical Mind-map

Part 2 - Associated Mind-map

Part 3 - Essay

Nearly 3 decades ago, there were somethings people could take for granted, any information regarding any subject would have been gathered in libraries. Nowadays things have changed where first you needed to go to a library, now we can access the most powerful libraries just by sitting at a computer and access it online anywhere: World Wide Web, twenty first century is dependent on it that it is considered remarkable for whoever lived without it
Let’s get one thing straight, Web and Internet are two different things
The Internet is an overall system of PCs, connected for the most part by phone lines; the Web is only one of numerous things (called applications) that can keep running on the Internet. When you send an email, you're utilizing the Internet: the Net sends the words you compose over phone lines to your companions. When you visit to somebody on the web, you're no doubt utilizing the Internet as well—since the Net swaps your messages forward and backward. Yet, when you overhaul an online journal or Google for data to help you compose a report, you're utilizing the Web over the Net.
The Web is the overall gathering of content pages, computerized photos, music records, recordings, and movements you can access over the Internet. What makes the Web so unique (and, to be sure, gives it its name) is the way this data is associated together. The essential building pieces of the Web are pages of content, similar to this one—Web pages as we call them. An accumulation of Web pages on the same PC is known as a site. Each site page (counting this one) has highlighted phrases called connections (or hypertext interfaces) on top of it. Clicking one of these takes you to another page on this site or another site altogether. In this way, so straightforward.
The essential thought of the Web is that you can read data that any other individual has put away on a freely available space called their site. In case you're acquainted with utilizing PCs for word processing, you'll realize that when you make an archive, (for example, a letter or a CV/resumé), it exists on your PC as a document, which you store in a spot called an envelope (or index). A site is basically a gathering of interlinked reports, more often than not put away in the same registry on a freely available PC known as a server. Aside from the fundamental archives (content pages), a site by and large additionally contains pictures or realistic records (photos, commonly put away as JPG documents, and works of art, normally put away as GIF or PNG documents). So the essential thought of making a site includes keeping in touch with all these content pages and collecting the different realistic documents you require, then assembling every one of them in an envelope where other individuals can get to them.

Part 4 - Random Word Association 

Browsers: many browsers to speed up the internet.
Computers: One of the most important factors to enter the Internet.
Games: playing online games.
Information: getting information from websites.
Education: learning lessons, reading books, understanding information online.
Business: online business, selling or buying items online.
People: Communication with people via the Internet.
Facebook: one of the social networking websites.
Sharing: Exchange of information and files between people.
Money: make some works via the internet can earn you money.
Wikipedia: is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it vi the internet.
Maps: finding the location of any place that we want by Google map.
Blogs: with the blog you can publish any information on the World Wide Web.
Com: is the shortcut of company /net: is the shortcut of networks.
Social media: allow people to create, share or exchange.
YouTube: The largest video sharing site on the Web.

Part 5 - Juxtaposition

From the earliest starting point of the world we are truly conceived actually to satisfy the interest which we have as a main priority. That is the reason anyplace we go we can see diverse innovations, indeed they come now in assortment of brands that we are picked to choose. As development innovation immeasurably creating, name it and we can have it all since we are worked with PCs and electronic gadgets. Indeed, as youthful as six years of age, youngsters are as of now get to be snare to PCs and different devices like web recreations and PSP. Give us a chance to perceive how truly advancements enormously create from nothing to Stone Age and in conclusion into a world loaded with machines and hardware which can change our lives until the end of time.

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